Remedial Massage Therapy
Are you stressed and or struggling with your body? Do you suffer from aches and pains following sustained postures at your workplace?
Or are you an active individual or sports person trying to recover from an injury or need to recover quicker from intense training regimes? Or are you working towards achieving a new goal?
Whatever your age or Sport Remedial Massage Therapy can be the right treatment plan for you!
Whether you are a keen gardener, manual worker, sit an office all day or training for a marathon, excellent remedial treatment will help you be at your optimum both physically and mentally. Children can also benefit too as they frequently suffer from sporting injuries or as their bodies have not developed sufficient strength to cope with the demands of increased exercise or muscle strains from carrying heavy bags all day at school.
Remedial Massage
Seeks to find the source of pain and to eliminate it through touch to treat the damaged tissues.
Most soft tissue damage is caused by regular overuse or sudden trauma so one of our experienced remedial massage therapists can help you understand the nature of your problem. If appropriate they will offer advice and support to put you back in control of your body and relieve stressed tissues.
Sports Massage
Is actually remedial massage for sports people! However, our sports massage therapist has a vast amount of experience working with top sporting clubs gaining a thorough understanding of the functional movement and demands placed upon your body from your sport / activity. As a result, it will help enable you to reach your full sporting potential.