Privacy Policy

The following policy outlines the privacy practices of Beatty Park Physio in regards to personal information.

1. Privacy. Beatty Park Physio respects the privacy of all clients. This document outlines privacy rights and practices as laid out by the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth), Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). These privacy laws regulate how personal information is obtained and handled, from the collection, it’s use and future disclosures as well as how the information is stored and when and how it is disposed. This applies to any and all personal and/or medical information that a client supplies to Beatty Park Physio.

2. Personal Information Collection. Personal information is defined as any information that specifically identifies you or from which your identity can be easily attained. To provide our clients with superior service it is imperative that we collect relevant personal information from you. This includes information given to our receptionists regarding appointment setting and payment information, as well as information acquired by our physiotherapists and doctors during the initial consultation and subsequent appointments so that we can provide an accurate assessment of your condition as well as a diagnosis and the proper prescribed treatment.

3. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information. Collecting your personal information is necessary for us to perform our service. Your information will only be used to the extent that it informs our staff and assists them in properly prescribing and carrying out treatment. The collection of your information will allow us to assess, diagnose, prescribe and monitor your treatment and/or ongoing rehabilitation. Therefore asking personal and medical questions are necessary to properly provide our services to the best of our ability. Your information will not be used for any purpose outside of Beatty Park Physio and our treatment of you as a client.

4. Consent and Confidentiality. It is our guarantee that we will treat your personal information responsibly and ethically. You are under no obligation to provide us with any of your information. However, obtaining this information is vital for us to determine proper treatment. Ultimately, the decision is yours.

5. Access to Your Personal Information. You can request access to your personal information at any time. You may also request for us to update any information or change any information that is incorrect. Any request is subject to the permissibility of the law. If for any reason we are unable to provide you with certain requested information, we will provide you with an explanation. We must keep a written copy of your information on file at all times while you are a client. To obtain a copy of your information you can either send us a written request, or contact our office via telephone or online. We will provide you with a copy of your privacy policy and a form requesting access to your information.

6. Contact Us at:

Beatty Park Physio, 220 Vincent Street, North Perth, WA 6006

7. Complaints. If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you may contact the Federal Privacy Commission.

Director of Complaints
Office of the Federal Privacy Commission
GPO Box 5218