Employer Services

Beatty Park Physiotherapy staff are experienced in assisting the prompt and safe return of an injured worker back to work.

Return to work program

We will assist employers and employees with physiotherapy treatment, rehabilitation program, and a return to work program that is safe, cost-efficient and effective. Our return to work programs are always developed in consultation with the injured employee, other treating medical practitioners, and the employer. Programs are individualised and outcome based. If you’re an injured worker and would like us to help you get back on track please contact us by phone or email.

Company Services

We provide pre-employment screenings, on-site health and rehabilitation, ergonomic advice and video analysis. Currently we have a physiotherapy service that provides expertise in injury management and prevention in the north-west of Western Australia in the mining industry. Our focus is to apply the sports injury rehab model to the injured worker.

If you would like to learn more about how our physiotherapists can assist you and your company please call 9227 5665 or contact us via email.